Bentuk ini adalah yang paling disukai karena gampang banget mendapatkan ide mau dibuat apa. Bentuk hati yang terlihat 3D ini memerlukan cetakan khusus supaya bisa menghasilkan bentuk hati yang menggembung (tidak pipih). Dan untuk bentuk hati dengan warna merah kristal dan merah muda kristal ini menggunakan 100% warna kaca murni tanpa pewarna atau campuran lainnya. Karena itu agak sulit untuk diproduksi lagi. Karena semuanya tergantung stok kaca yang ada. Hasilnya yang transparan dan little bit glisten gampang banget membuat kita jatuh hati.
This shape is most preferred because it is easy to get an idea what would be made. Heart shape that looks 3D it requires a special mold that can produce the puffed heart shape (not flat). And for heart shape in red crystal colour and pink crystal colour is using 100% pure glass colors without dyes or other mixture. Because of this reason, this colour rather difficult to be produced again. Because it all depends on stock of existing glass. The result is transparent and little bit glisten so easy to make us fall in love.
This shape is most preferred because it is easy to get an idea what would be made. Heart shape that looks 3D it requires a special mold that can produce the puffed heart shape (not flat). And for heart shape in red crystal colour and pink crystal colour is using 100% pure glass colors without dyes or other mixture. Because of this reason, this colour rather difficult to be produced again. Because it all depends on stock of existing glass. The result is transparent and little bit glisten so easy to make us fall in love.
Average Size : 15mm x 13mm
Minimum order : 15 strands
Each strand : 25 pcs
Wholesale price please send email to :
Red Heart
Pink Heart